Tip#74: The simplest color wheel – MagicPicker in PRO Mode

MagicPicker 6 - uncluttered UI in PRO Mode
MagicPicker 6 – uncluttered UI in PRO Mode

Unclutter MagicPicker’s interface with the new PRO Mode. Click MagicPicker menu -> PRO Mode and enjoy interfaceless, most easy-to-use color wheel! Works with any mode, including Color Temperature etc.

From series of tutorials for MagicPicker, advanced Illustrator and Photoshop color wheel

Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#28: Hide unnecessary infos

Make your MagicPicker minimalistic with only necessary information visible. Enlarge MagicPicker and click on the double arrow near HSB/RGB switches to hide color wheel/color pane/RGB/HSB buttons. Click again to unhide it

Hide unneccessary info
Hide unneccessary info