Tip#56: New color spaces and current color name on the corner of color wheel

New color spaces and color name on color wheel
New color spaces and color name on color wheel

New MagicPicker 5 brings new feature! Display HSL/HSB/RGB/CMYK/YUV/YCbCr values in realtime on the corner of color wheel with MagicPicker 5! It lets you also display current color’s name. Ever wondered how “Crioiser Blue” or “Pastel orange” look like exactly? We got you covered! Even when bottom color sliders are hidden and color boxes are unavailable you can see current color’s name or values.

To use new feature:
1) Click on three dots on the left botton of the color wheel
2) Continue clicking to switch between modes!
3*) To copy current color’s values to clipboard click once small copy button near the values

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picking plugin panel for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator