Tip#45: Quickly switch to Color Temperature Wheel mode and back with one click!

If you want to quickly tune color’s temperature while working in the classic color wheel mode – ALT-click on the Triangle/Box/Diamond modes button. The MagicPicker will switch to the Color Temperature Wheel mode and if you ALT-click the button again it will bring you back to the previous state of the color wheel!

Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker
Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker

Works in MagicPicker since version 4.3. Works in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3.

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picker (and other panels for Adobe software).

Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#25: Triangle, Box and Diamond color wheel modes in MagicPicker 3.0

New MagicPicker brings Triangle, Box and Diamond modes on the color wheel. With one click of the button you get the tool best matching your painting style and a better color coverage in shades and saturation!

MagicPicker's Triangle, Box and Diamond modes of color wheel
MagicPicker's Triangle, Box and Diamond modes of color wheel

Just click the button on the top-right of the color wheel. Works in Photoshop and Illustrator.

MagicPicker Illustrator and Photoshop color wheel and other panels