Tip#45: Quickly switch to Color Temperature Wheel mode and back with one click!

If you want to quickly tune color’s temperature while working in the classic color wheel mode – ALT-click on the Triangle/Box/Diamond modes button. The MagicPicker will switch to the Color Temperature Wheel mode and if you ALT-click the button again it will bring you back to the previous state of the color wheel!

Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker
Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker

Works in MagicPicker since version 4.3. Works in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3.

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picker (and other panels for Adobe software).

Tip#33: Quick way to assign keyboard shortcut in MagicPicker 3.1+

MagicPicker 3.1 helps you to assign keyboard shortcut to the panel from the menu! So you will always have your color wheel at your fingertips.

MagicPicker 3.1+ - assign keyboard shortcut
MagicPicker 3.1+ - assign keyboard shortcut

Just click MagicPicker’s fly-out menu -> Keyboard shortcut… and follow the steps. In the end you will have MagicPicker in the list of all of your keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop so you can change it later on! The shortcut will toggle MagicPicker on or off very quickly.

MagicPicker – the color wheel and an advanced color picker for Photoshop and Illustrator

MagicPicker 3.1 update – keyboard shortcut, Illustrator improvements, new features!

MagicPicker 3.1 color wheel & color picker update!
MagicPicker 3.1 color wheel & color picker update!

– Link to assign keyboard shortcut from inside the panel (fly-out menu -> Keyboard shortcut…)
– Press, hold and move mouse on numerical HSB/RGB/CMYK boxes to quickly change the numbers
– Improved CC support, improved Illustrator support
– Improved loading performance!
– Small UI fixes
– Fixed a small glitch on selected ATI Radeon cards on Windows
– Improved speed and behavior of the color pane in HSB and RGB modes
– Improved HSB/RGB modes behavior with eyedropper

Upgrade MagicPicker, Illustrator and Photoshop Color Wheel here

Panels Tips & Tricks: Open MagicPicker with a shortcut

This time I will tell you how to toggle MagicPicker color wheel panel with a shortcut. You can open and close the panel with the same keyboard shortcut!
This is a Photoshop solution currently, we’re working to make it for Illustrator as well!
1) Download this script
2) Unpack and put file MagicPickerToggle.jsx into Presets/Scripts folder
3) Now launch Photoshop and click Edit -> Keyboard shortcuts… and assign a new shortcut for File / Scripts / MagicPickerToggle

*Note – in Photoshop CS3 you can skip steps 1,2 and assign shortcut to File / Scripts / Run MagicPicker

Works on Mac and Windows. Enjoy!