Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#22: Profile-calibrated CMYK color values in Photoshop

Get correct profile-calibrated CMYK values from MagicPicker panel for correct reproduction of colors when printing your artwork. MagicPicker uses your current Color Profile in Photoshop to calculate proper values. You can convert between CMYK/RGB/HSB color spaces easily.

Profile-calibrated CMYK values
Profile-calibrated CMYK values

MagicPicker, Photoshop color wheel and more

Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#17: Change background while holding Alt

Change background while holding Alt. While holding Alt on your keyboard click on MagicPicker to choose color. The background will change instead of foreground. Works everywhere – color wheel, color box, color sliders.

MagicPicker color wheel - press ALT to choose background color
MagicPicker color wheel - press ALT to choose background color

MagicPicker, Photoshop color wheel and more