Loading brushes! Boom! Adding new presets! Pew! MagicSquire is now 2x-10x faster in key areas, try it out yourself! The panel proudly supports all recent Photoshops: CS5, CS6, CC, C2014, CC2015, CC2017.
– Significantly improved speed when: creating a new brush, loading .abr/.tpl files!
– Memory management improvements
– Compact Mode improvements
– Improvements to the UI
– Improvements to loading of .TPL files
Here goes the video describing all recently added features:
– NEW! Use new touchlessCompact Mode (click MagicSquire menu, then Compact Mode). Panel shrinks to a one-brush display, when you hover your cursor over the panel it expands to the full brush view! Now click to select brushes. Switch between two views without a single click.
– NEW! ALT-click a brush to use it as a Eraser or any other tool! Works the following way: 1) Alt-click the brush 2) Select the new tool you want to apply the brush to. Paint and erase with the same brush!
– More improvements and fixes to brush/tool handling on Adobe Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015 and CC2017
MagicPicker is designed to be easily dockable and to fit automatically any kind of Photoshop or Illustrator environment. In any combination with other panels, like Layers, Brushes it will smartly take up your space. With quick access to all of its numerous controls and modes.
Use MagicPicker in horizontal or vertical layout inside your favorite Adobe software. Dock it to any part of the interface or leave as a standalone panel. Or even keep it incredibly small in Compact Mode if you’re a fan of ascetic UI configuration!
The exclusive Compact Mode of MagicPicker 4 perfectly combines with the new Big Swatches mode: keep two bold main colors visible on the screen and expand MagicPicker without a single click, just hovering your brush over the color swatches!
Preserve your screen real estate while saving clicks!
Now available for Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and CC 2015.
Today Adobe issued an upgrade to their Creative Cloud. Namely Photoshop and Illustrator have been updated to version CC 2015. And I receive questions whether MagicPicker is compatible with the new platform. MagicPicker 4 was tested and totally works as is with the new Adobe’s products – Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015. In most cases you don’t have to do anything after CC 2015 upgrade.
You don’t need to upgrade or reinstall, just please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Extension Manager CC (you can always install it from Adobe Creative Cloud app).
MagicPicker in Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015
There’s even more to it – some reported that Compact Mode didn’t work in the new CC 2014 software on selected system configurations. Seems there was a conflict that Adobe has resolved in the new versions of Photoshop/Illustrator. So if you still see your Compact Mode grayed out
If you face any issues with MagicPicker disappearing from the Extensions menu in new CC 2015 software – try to reinstall or update Adobe Extension Manager CC and then reinstalling MagicPicker.
Installing MagicPicker 4 with Adobe Extension Manager CC is easy and works the same on both platforms – Mac and PC (Windows):
1) Make sure your have the Adobe Extension Manager CC installed – go to your Adobe Creative Cloud, locate Adobe Extension Manager and click Install or Upgrade
2) Run Adobe Extension Manager
3) Choose File -> Install Extension
4) Locate MagicPicker4.zxp and follow the installation steps
P.S. MagicPicker is still compatible with Photoshop & Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014.