MagicSquire 1.7: Performance boost up to 5x, more default group colors

MagicSquire is 2x-5x faster with the new update!

MagicSquire 1.7, faster, new group colors, load multiple brush files
MagicSquire 1.7, faster, new group colors, load multiple brush files

What’s new:
– Various optimizations and speed improvements to UI & loading brushes, in many scenarios speed improved by 5x, especially on Photoshop CC 2014/2015/2017
– Loading of multiple brush (and tool presets) .ABR/.TPL files at once is now supported
– New default colors for groups!
– Fixed Compact Mode on Photoshop CC 2017.1.1 and above
– Fixed messaging
– Small bug fixes

Upgrade MagicSquire here

Product link: MagicSquire, brush group organizing panel in Adobe Photoshop

MagicSquire gets performance boost with new update! Version 1.4 is here.

Loading brushes! Boom! Adding new presets! Pew! MagicSquire is now 2x-10x faster in key areas, try it out yourself! The panel proudly supports all recent Photoshops: CS5, CS6, CC, C2014, CC2015, CC2017.

– Significantly improved speed when: creating a new brush, loading .abr/.tpl files!
– Memory management improvements
– Compact Mode improvements
– Improvements to the UI
– Improvements to loading of .TPL files

Here goes the video describing all recently added features:

Upgrade MagicSquire

Get MagicSquire, brush set manager for Adobe Photoshop

OMG! MagicSquire 1.2 finally delivers Tool Presets/.TPL support in Photoshop!

Now you can organize and group Brushes, Mixer Brushes, Erasers, Smudge Tools, Pencils, etc.! You got it! MagicSquire 1.2 panel now supports Tool Presets and .TPL files. Still supporting Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017.

MagicSquire 1.2 supports Tool Presets and .TP:L files
MagicSquire 1.2 supports Tool Presets and .TP:L files

– Supports Tools Presets and advanced brushes: Brush, Mixer Brush, Smudge, Eraser, Pencil, etc.!
– Add, organize, drag’n’drop, move between groups, assign colors to the Tool Presets the same way you did it with the brushes
– Load .TPL files and to add various Tools from files into Photoshop (in addition to .ABR files support)
– Another performance boost.  Close/open/hide/show panel with unprecedented speed!
– more!

You can upgrade here to MagicSquire 1.2

MagicSquire is the advanced organizing panel for tools and brushes in Adobe Photoshop.