Tip#106: Bring multiple objects to same palette with MagicTints

Select multiple layers
Select multiple layers

Select multiple pixel layers and then click “Apply” on MagicTints panel. That’s it! MagicTints will bring all selected objects to the same palette, from the Color Reference list. All at once.

  • You can choose specific colors or use any image as a target color reference. Works very accurately, transfers colors and contrast immediately.
  • You can also assign Keyboard Shortcut to that operation

Works in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.

Or you can export LUT and use on any photo video in Affinity Photo, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, AfterEffects, Final Cut or even in 3D software like Unity, Blender or Unreal Engine.

MagicTints is also available as a standalone app on macOS or Windows.

From series of tutorials for MagicTints, 1-click accurate color matching

Tip#56: New color spaces and current color name on the corner of color wheel

New color spaces and color name on color wheel
New color spaces and color name on color wheel

New MagicPicker 5 brings new feature! Display HSL/HSB/RGB/CMYK/YUV/YCbCr values in realtime on the corner of color wheel with MagicPicker 5! It lets you also display current color’s name. Ever wondered how “Crioiser Blue” or “Pastel orange” look like exactly? We got you covered! Even when bottom color sliders are hidden and color boxes are unavailable you can see current color’s name or values.

To use new feature:
1) Click on three dots on the left botton of the color wheel
2) Continue clicking to switch between modes!
3*) To copy current color’s values to clipboard click once small copy button near the values

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picking plugin panel for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator