Tip#106: Bring multiple objects to same palette with MagicTints

Select multiple layers
Select multiple layers

Select multiple pixel layers and then click “Apply” on MagicTints panel. That’s it! MagicTints will bring all selected objects to the same palette, from the Color Reference list. All at once.

  • You can choose specific colors or use any image as a target color reference. Works very accurately, transfers colors and contrast immediately.
  • You can also assign Keyboard Shortcut to that operation

Works in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.

Or you can export LUT and use on any photo video in Affinity Photo, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, AfterEffects, Final Cut or even in 3D software like Unity, Blender or Unreal Engine.

MagicTints is also available as a standalone app on macOS or Windows.

From series of tutorials for MagicTints, 1-click accurate color matching

Tip#78: Advanced Brush Stroke display in MagicSquire

Brush Stroke in MagicSquire (Photoshop)
Brush Stroke in MagicSquire (Photoshop)

Display Photoshop brushes in 5 different advanced styles to distinguish them better, with MagicSquire. Double-click the brush in the group to choose the stroke style from the dialog. The strokes are auto-generated in high resolution and show precisely how the brush would look like on the canvas. Renders precise opacity, texture, mixer brush tips, tilt etc – all advanced properties of any Photoshop brush. Supports 4K and 5K monitors.

In addition to standard Photoshop functionality the dialog also allows you to update current Brush properties.

MagicSquire is a professional brush managing panel for Adobe Photoshop


Tip#76: MagicSquire – detailed Photoshop Tool/Brush History

Enjoy detailed and long Photoshop Tool/Brush history with new MagicSquire panel. Shows tool types, sizes along with group colors. Click bottom button to display it. Works the same in Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018

MagicSquire brush manager - detailed Tool History in Photoshop
MagicSquire brush manager – detailed Tool History in Photoshop

MagicSquire is a professional Brush/Tool Group Manager for Adobe Photoshop

Tip#69: Delete or collapse MagicSquire group with presets

To delete the whole groups with Photoshop Brush or Tool presets click on the three dots next to group’s name and then click the “Delete” icon.

Delete or collapse group with presets in MagicSquire
Delete or collapse group with presets in MagicSquire

You can also collapse a group (so you can reopen it later) with one click on arrow on the right of the group’s name.

MagicSquire is the brush/tool management and organizing panel for Adobe Photoshop.

Tip#37: Get secondary colors in MagicPicker with one click

Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)
Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)

Easily get secondary color in MagicPicker assigned to the background (without making it active) by Ctrl-Alt-Clicking it. This way foreground gets assigned automatically when you move the active pointer and you get secondary color with one click assigned to the background swatch. Works on color wheel with any color scheme active: complementary, triad, tetrad, analogic or accented analogic.

MagicPicker color wheel and other panels