Anastasiy partners with Wacom to bring all our professional plugins and panels to Wacom devices through Wacom marketplace. Enjoy MagicPicker, MagicSquire and our other products on Cintiq, Intuos or Bamboo tablets!
Increase your creative performance with smart Compact Mode. Shrink our panels in Photoshop into informative small tiles that auto-magically expand with simple mouse movement. Zero clicks allow you to focus on your work. No right-clicks or crazy keyboard shortcuts anymore!
Smart Compact Mode in MixColors, MagicSquire, MagicPicker, MagicRefs in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
New MagicSquire 3.0 is here:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Also tags, Keyboard Shortcuts, Brush Group collections and much more in version 3.0!
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it
was not signed correctly”) problem fixed New MagicSquire, brush organizing panel for Photoshop
New MagicRefs 1.2 is here:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it
was not signed correctly”) problem fixed New MagicRefs, life is easy with reference images in Photoshop
New MagicPicker 6.4 is here:
– New UI Framework!Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it
was not signed correctly”) problem fixed New MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel
MixColors 3.1:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it
was not signed correctly”) problem fixed New MixColors, Photoshop color mixer
DiskFonts 1.2.22:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it
was not signed correctly”) problem fixed New DiskFonts, Photoshop font viewer and manager
In addition to Triangle, Box,Diamond and Color Temperature modes of the MagicPicker color wheel panel recent version 6.3 adds LDT Color Cube mode.
Color Wheel Modes in MagicPicker 6 for Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
LDT Color Cube mode lets you adjust shaded/saturated color preserving its perceived brightness and on the same color space adjust color temperature. To switch modes click on the button on the top right to get the tool best matching your painting style and a better color coverage in shades and saturation!
Works in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019.
Click on the three dots on the left bottom of MagicPicker color wheel to display current color’s Pantone (new to MagicPicker 6!), RGB, CMYK, HSL, Color Name, HSB, YUV, YCbCr, XYZ, L*C*h values.
Works in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018+!
MagicPicker: Pantone, Color Name, CMYK, RGB, HSL, HSB, YUV, YCbCr, XYZ values display for current color
Unclutter MagicPicker’s interface with the new PRO Mode. Click MagicPicker menu -> PRO Mode and enjoy interfaceless, most easy-to-use color wheel! Works with any mode, including Color Temperature etc.
In addition to the old feature in MagicPicker where you could copy HEX value of the color to the clipboard, with MagicPicker 5 you can also copy full color name or RGB/HSL/CMYK/RYB/YCbCr/YUV/XYZ values of the current color.
Copy current color values to clipboard in Photoshop with MagicPicker
Open color spaces and then click the small “copy” button. That’s it! Current values of the current color space will automagically get into your computer’s clipboard.
New MagicPicker 5 brings new feature! Display HSL/HSB/RGB/CMYK/YUV/YCbCr values in realtime on the corner of color wheel with MagicPicker 5! It lets you also display current color’s name. Ever wondered how “Crioiser Blue” or “Pastel orange” look like exactly? We got you covered! Even when bottom color sliders are hidden and color boxes are unavailable you can see current color’s name or values.
To use new feature:
1) Click on three dots on the left botton of the color wheel
2) Continue clicking to switch between modes!
3*) To copy current color’s values to clipboard click once small copy button near the values
MagicPicker 5.0! Colorize Vector Shapes & Text, new features!
MagicPicker just updated to the version 5.0! Update brings better support for new Creative Cloud: Adobe Illustrator CC2015.3 & Photoshop CC2015.5 and new features:
NEW! Colorize Shapes and Text in Photoshop (activated from menu).
* Colorize individual shapes with color feedback.
* Control hue of groups of shapes – shift hue and color temperature.
* Works with Tone Lock and K-Lock.
* Lets assign tranparent color to Fill/Stroke
* Works with text, lets change multiple shape and text layers at the same tume
NEW! Assign transparent color in Illustrator and for Photoshop shapes/vectors with Ctrl/Cmd Click
Exchange colors for shapes, exchange with transparency
NEW! New color spaces and color values on the corner of the wheel.
* Switchable button on the left bottom corner
* Color names display (X11/HTML standard)
* Copy values to clipboard with one click
NEW! Interactive help (activated from menu)
* Click on any UI element to get full tutorial with description how to use it and what it means
NEW! Full Retina support! Fine beautiful icons – icons got a HiDPI treatment. Use it on Mac 5K and Retina and 4K displays on Windows & Mac
* Improved performance on Retina and HiDPI/4K/6K displays
NEW! BG/FG link now works when using eyedropper – perfect helper when using Brush with Color Dynamics
Underlying framework has been rewritten from scratch to support CC2015.5, newest and upcoming versions of the Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Performance improved, 2X faster in many scenarios – when scaling etc.
K-Lock now correctly works with the eyedropper in all scenarios and document color modes
More UI improvements and fixes for dialogs
Fixed various small bugs, including B&W button behavior when BIG colors are on
Added animations
Fixed b&w button when using big swatches
RGB/HSB rulers now can be scaled even more!
Fixed disappearing background color
Better compatibility with CC2015.5
Fixed icons on HiDPI and Retina displays for Illustrator CC2015/2015.3
New indicator for transparency in Photoshop and Illustrator
Fixed MagicPicker icon on Illustrator CC 2015+
Improved and fixed small bugs in Photoshop and Illustrator on all Adobe Creative Suite/Creative Cloud versions