New MagicPicker 5 brings new feature! Display HSL/HSB/RGB/CMYK/YUV/YCbCr values in realtime on the corner of color wheel with MagicPicker 5! It lets you also display current color’s name. Ever wondered how “Crioiser Blue” or “Pastel orange” look like exactly? We got you covered! Even when bottom color sliders are hidden and color boxes are unavailable you can see current color’s name or values.
To use new feature:
1) Click on three dots on the left botton of the color wheel
2) Continue clicking to switch between modes!
3*) To copy current color’s values to clipboard click once small copy button near the values
MagicPicker 5.0! Colorize Vector Shapes & Text, new features!
MagicPicker just updated to the version 5.0! Update brings better support for new Creative Cloud: Adobe Illustrator CC2015.3 & Photoshop CC2015.5 and new features:
NEW! Colorize Shapes and Text in Photoshop (activated from menu).
* Colorize individual shapes with color feedback.
* Control hue of groups of shapes – shift hue and color temperature.
* Works with Tone Lock and K-Lock.
* Lets assign tranparent color to Fill/Stroke
* Works with text, lets change multiple shape and text layers at the same tume
NEW! Assign transparent color in Illustrator and for Photoshop shapes/vectors with Ctrl/Cmd Click
Exchange colors for shapes, exchange with transparency
NEW! New color spaces and color values on the corner of the wheel.
* Switchable button on the left bottom corner
* Color names display (X11/HTML standard)
* Copy values to clipboard with one click
NEW! Interactive help (activated from menu)
* Click on any UI element to get full tutorial with description how to use it and what it means
NEW! Full Retina support! Fine beautiful icons – icons got a HiDPI treatment. Use it on Mac 5K and Retina and 4K displays on Windows & Mac
* Improved performance on Retina and HiDPI/4K/6K displays
NEW! BG/FG link now works when using eyedropper – perfect helper when using Brush with Color Dynamics
Underlying framework has been rewritten from scratch to support CC2015.5, newest and upcoming versions of the Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Performance improved, 2X faster in many scenarios – when scaling etc.
K-Lock now correctly works with the eyedropper in all scenarios and document color modes
More UI improvements and fixes for dialogs
Fixed various small bugs, including B&W button behavior when BIG colors are on
Added animations
Fixed b&w button when using big swatches
RGB/HSB rulers now can be scaled even more!
Fixed disappearing background color
Better compatibility with CC2015.5
Fixed icons on HiDPI and Retina displays for Illustrator CC2015/2015.3
New indicator for transparency in Photoshop and Illustrator
Fixed MagicPicker icon on Illustrator CC 2015+
Improved and fixed small bugs in Photoshop and Illustrator on all Adobe Creative Suite/Creative Cloud versions
Keep colors bright or dark when rotating Hue° while saving low level of K ink of CMYK – all at once! That lets you find colors on the color wheel within the same dynamic gamut range that look bright when printed! To do that switch on both Tone Lock and K-Lock in MagicPicker – they work together very well! Then rotate Hue° on the color wheel and you will see how MagicPicker adjusts the color so it sustains same perceived brightness and the same K value!
Tone Lock and K-Lock in MagicPickae
This technique works in Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CS5, CS4 and CS3.
It’s easily possible with MagicPicker! In the Color Temperature Wheel mode switch on Tone Lock and start shifting the slider on the wheel. This option lets you quickly find corresponding colors having the same brightness for lights and shadows or for foreground and background. Or keep the same brightness level across the surface when editing textures.
Change color temperature while keeping color’s brightness
MagicPicker is designed to be easily dockable and to fit automatically any kind of Photoshop or Illustrator environment. In any combination with other panels, like Layers, Brushes it will smartly take up your space. With quick access to all of its numerous controls and modes.
Use MagicPicker in horizontal or vertical layout inside your favorite Adobe software. Dock it to any part of the interface or leave as a standalone panel. Or even keep it incredibly small in Compact Mode if you’re a fan of ascetic UI configuration!
Picking foreground/background colors in Photoshop and Fill/Stroke in Illustrator
Pick foreground or background colors separately with MagicPicker! Click the appropriate color swatch on the panel to make it active in Adobe Photoshop. In Adobe Illustrator switch between Stroke and Fill colors
K-Lock lets you keep your colors bright in CMYK and decrease K level to 10% or zero in any given color! You can make colors darker or brighter while keeping value of K the same so they all come out vivid when printing. Just set the value and then click the button to lock it down. You can adjust K on the fly in that mode making colors even darker!
With MagicPicker you can pick colors on the Traditional Color Wheel – a color wheel based on 12 basic colors used in traditional painting. That allows you to pick colors having relationship based on physical pigments of the paints. For example in this color scheme complement colors red is the opposite to green and yellow is opposite to purple. This color wheel is often referred to as Itten’s Color Wheel.
MagicPicker - switch to traditional color wheel
Switch to this mode by clicking on the button to the right-bottom of the color wheel.
Yesterday arrived the new MagicPicker upgrade with new Photoshop CC 2015.1 support (Illustrator CC 2015.1 and 2015.2), K-Lock improvements, better support for Microsoft Surface Pro and new optimizations and bug fixes.
MagicPicker 4.5 upgrade with Photoshop CC2015.1 support
MagicPicker 4.5 still supports Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014 and CC2015.
Black Friday or Cyber Monday here we go with the bundle sales! All our panels in one bundle with 30-40% discounts. And if you have MagicPicker come and get MixColors&DiskFonts bundle
Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Discounts on