Tip#39: Change relationships between secondary colors on the color scheme

Easily change relationships between secondary colors on the color schemes in MagicPicker. Choose the desired color scheme and then just drag secondary color (click and move) to increase or decrease distance. Click and move main color and the new distances will “stick”.

You can pick the color from the secondary color by Cmd/Ctrl-Clicking it.
Make it active with Right- or Double-click.
Add Alt- to select background.

Move secondary colors in color schemes
Move secondary colors in color schemes

Works in Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and CC 2014.

MagicPicker color wheel and other panels

Tip#37: Get secondary colors in MagicPicker with one click

Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)
Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)

Easily get secondary color in MagicPicker assigned to the background (without making it active) by Ctrl-Alt-Clicking it. This way foreground gets assigned automatically when you move the active pointer and you get secondary color with one click assigned to the background swatch. Works on color wheel with any color scheme active: complementary, triad, tetrad, analogic or accented analogic.

MagicPicker color wheel and other panels

Tip#35: SHIFT temporarily locks colors’ brightness

MagicPicker - shift for Tone Lock
MagicPicker - shift for Tone Lock

Press SHIFT while dragging the pointer on the color wheel (or the stripe in the color pane mode) to bring the colors you pick to the same tone. SHIFT activates temporary Tone Lock mode (usually switched on with the button). While moving your mouse MagicPicker will bring all the colors you choose to the same gamma.

Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#30: Secondary color on the color wheel

Select/pick secondary colors on the color wheel
Select/pick secondary colors on the color wheel

This is our 30th tutorial where I’ll show you the 3 ways of picking secondary colors on the color wheel in Illustrator and Photoshop from MagicPicker panel. You asked many times how to do it and here it is. You can 1) Ctrl(Cmd)-click, 2) right-click or 3) double click the secondary color automatically calculated by MagicPicker. You can do it with any color scheme – complement, triad, tetrad, anagogic or accented analogic.

Panels Tips & Tricks: Open MagicPicker with a shortcut

This time I will tell you how to toggle MagicPicker color wheel panel with a shortcut. You can open and close the panel with the same keyboard shortcut!
This is a Photoshop solution currently, we’re working to make it for Illustrator as well!
1) Download this script
2) Unpack and put file MagicPickerToggle.jsx into Presets/Scripts folder
3) Now launch Photoshop and click Edit -> Keyboard shortcuts… and assign a new shortcut for File / Scripts / MagicPickerToggle

*Note – in Photoshop CS3 you can skip steps 1,2 and assign shortcut to File / Scripts / Run MagicPicker

Works on Mac and Windows. Enjoy!

Panels Tips & Tricks. Tip#23: Background picking mode

Switch from foreground to background picking by clicking the appropriate color box on the MagicPicker color wheel panel. You can always switch back by pressing foreground color box.

Background color picking in MagicPicker color wheel panel
Background color picking in MagicPicker color wheel panel

MagicPicker, Photoshop color wheel and more