Tip#44: Tone Lock of the background color in MagicPicker

Did you know you can quickly change hue of the background color in MagicPicker while keeping its perceived brightness (tone)? Just press ALT + SHIFT while clicking and moving the cursor on the color wheel (or just ALT or your pen’s button with Tone Lock On). That lets you keep background color within the same gamut very easily and achieve constant organic coloration across your painting/design/photography/artwork.

Quickly adjust background's hue while keeping its perceived brightness
Quickly adjust background's hue while keeping its perceived brightness

Works with Color Temperature Wheel and on the color pane in H(SB) mode. In Color Temperature Wheel mode it will let you keep background color’s perceived brightness while changing its temperature.

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picker for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

MagicPicker and new Photoshop CC 2015/Illustrator CC 2015

Today Adobe issued an upgrade to their Creative Cloud. Namely Photoshop and Illustrator have been updated to version CC 2015. And I receive questions whether MagicPicker is compatible with the new platform. MagicPicker 4 was tested and totally works as is with the new Adobe’s products – Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015. In most cases you don’t have to do anything after CC 2015 upgrade.

You don’t need to upgrade or reinstall, just please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Extension Manager CC (you can always install it from Adobe Creative Cloud app).

MagicPicker in Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015
MagicPicker in Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015

There’s even more to it – some reported that Compact Mode didn’t work in the new CC 2014 software on selected system configurations. Seems there was a conflict that Adobe has resolved in the new versions of Photoshop/Illustrator. So if you still see your Compact Mode grayed out


If you face any issues with MagicPicker disappearing from the Extensions menu in new CC 2015 software – try to reinstall or update Adobe Extension Manager CC and then reinstalling MagicPicker.

Installing MagicPicker 4 with Adobe Extension Manager CC is easy and works the same on both platforms – Mac and PC (Windows):

1) Make sure your have the Adobe Extension Manager CC installed – go to your Adobe Creative Cloud, locate Adobe Extension Manager and click Install or Upgrade
2) Run  Adobe Extension Manager
3) Choose File -> Install Extension
4) Locate MagicPicker4.zxp and follow the installation steps

P.S. MagicPicker is still compatible with Photoshop & Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014.

Download MagicPicker color wheel for Photoshop & Illustrator

Upgrade from older MagicPicker to version 4

Tip#43: Using MagicPicker’s automatic color correction in Illustrator

In Illustrator MagicPicker smartly keeps colors within the chosen color space – for selected shapes. If you work in CMYK in Illustrator:
1) select a shape
2) try to change its color with the MagicPicker so it falls outside CMYK space
3) MagicPicker will correct it immediately so you would get the color that can be reproduced in CMYK

It’s slightly different from how Illustrator handles it. With MagicPicker you will see the result right away.
In recent version of MagicPicker it works with Tone Lock and on the Color Temperature Wheel.

MagicPicker in Photoshop and Illustrator - different approach to color space
MagicPicker in Photoshop and Illustrator - different approach to color space

Download MagicPicker – advanced color picker and color wheel panel/plugin

Tip#42: Rotate color wheel the way you want

MagicPicker offers a wide variety of color wheel configurations in addition to new Temperature Color Wheel.

Rotate MagicPicker color wheel
Rotate MagicPicker color wheel

Use the classic scheme or rotate the wheel so the red points up at 0° (works best for design where you get the Hue=0 at the exact top of the wheel). Or even use Traditional color wheel based on classic 12 color scheme (which may also be rotated). Work with the color wheel the way you like it! You can rotate color wheel from MagicPicker’s fly-out menu choosing Settings. And switch to Traditional mode using the button on the right-bottom.

Works in Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC and CC 2014.

Download MagicPicker – advanced color picker and color wheel panel/plugin

Tip#40: Color wheel modes in MagicPicker 4

MagicPicker 4 color wheel modes
MagicPicker 4 color wheel modes

In addition to Triangle, Box and Diamond modes of the color wheel new MagicPicker adds Color Temperature Wheel mode. It lets you limit your color gamut to only warm or only cool colors (will be covered later in more detail). To switch modes click on the button on the top right to get the he tool best matching your painting style and a better color coverage in shades and saturation! You can also ALT-click to quickly switch to the Color Temperature mode.

MagicPicker, the color wheel and advanced color picker for Photoshop and Illustrator

Tip#37: Get secondary colors in MagicPicker with one click

Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)
Secondary colors in MagicPicker (color schemes)

Easily get secondary color in MagicPicker assigned to the background (without making it active) by Ctrl-Alt-Clicking it. This way foreground gets assigned automatically when you move the active pointer and you get secondary color with one click assigned to the background swatch. Works on color wheel with any color scheme active: complementary, triad, tetrad, analogic or accented analogic.

MagicPicker color wheel and other panels

Tip#36: BIG color swatches

MagicPicker color wheel - BIG color swatches
MagicPicker color wheel - BIG color swatches

Color size does matter! For better perception of color you can at last increase swatch size from MagicPicker’s fly-out menu! Switch between big and small swatches. (Works in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. New in MagicPicker 4.x).

MagicPicker color wheel and other panels

Here you go! MagicPicker 4.0 upgrade brings full CC 2014 support, more features!

MagicPicker 4.0 with Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 support, new color wheel, new features
MagicPicker 4.0 with Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 support, new color wheel, new features

Happy to announce new MagicPicker 4.0 – our most innovative update to the Color Wheel/Color Picking panel. Rewritten from the ground up MagicPicker supports new Adobe CC 2014 platform (Photoshop and Illustrator), brings new Color Temperature Wheel for separating cold/warm colors. Brings (optional) BIG color swatches for better color perception and new color engine optimized for speed. Tone Lock 2.0 lets you keep color’s tone while changing hue or saturation and now works with sliders. Color schemes improvements, more features – all supported across CC2014, CC, CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3 platforms.

Upgrade to MagicPicker 4.0 color wheel/advanced color picker

What is MagicPicker?

Tip#34: Use a different way of mixing colors with MixColors

A different mode of mixing colors (Photoshop)
A different mode of mixing colors (Photoshop)
Tip#34: The secondary mode of mixing colors is improved in new MixColors 1.2. Quickly mix colors, change amount of colors mixed and preview the result with MixColors in Photoshop. Turn Auto-sync off (the button on the top right) and then click, hold and move your pointer anywhere on the main color. You will also see current Photoshop’s color on the small box on the bottom of the panel. Click this box to apply color immediately.

Tip#33: Quick way to assign keyboard shortcut in MagicPicker 3.1+

MagicPicker 3.1 helps you to assign keyboard shortcut to the panel from the menu! So you will always have your color wheel at your fingertips.

MagicPicker 3.1+ - assign keyboard shortcut
MagicPicker 3.1+ - assign keyboard shortcut

Just click MagicPicker’s fly-out menu -> Keyboard shortcut… and follow the steps. In the end you will have MagicPicker in the list of all of your keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop so you can change it later on! The shortcut will toggle MagicPicker on or off very quickly.

MagicPicker – the color wheel and an advanced color picker for Photoshop and Illustrator