Exporting brushes as tool presets in MagicSquire 2.3 on Photoshop CC2018+

While exporting your brush presets as tool presets in Photoshop CC2018 and above you may face the message from MagicSquire asking you to answer “No” in the “Would you like to create a brush preset instead?” dialog:

'Would you like to create a brush preset' dialog
‘Would you like to create a brush preset’ dialog

Please do the following:
1) Click on the “Don’t show again” checkmark to make sure it’s checked
2) Click “No” in the dialog

This will help MagicSquire to export your presets without any hassle. The reason to this message is that new Photoshop (starting from version CC2018) can keep your Tool Presets in Brushes panel. If you answer “Yes” you won’t be able to export Tool Presets anymore but you’ll be able to export Brush Presets from MagicSquire.

Tip#65: Copy current color name or value with one click to the clipboard

In addition to the old feature in MagicPicker where you could copy HEX value of the color to the clipboard, with MagicPicker 5 you can also copy full color name or RGB/HSL/CMYK/RYB/YCbCr/YUV/XYZ values of the current color.

Copy current color values to clipboard  in Photoshop with MagicPicker
Copy current color values to clipboard in Photoshop with MagicPicker

Open color spaces and then click the small “copy” button. That’s it! Current values of the current color space will automagically get into your computer’s clipboard.

MagicPicker is an advanced color picking panel and color wheel for Adobe Photoshop

MagicSquire gets performance boost with new update! Version 1.4 is here.

Loading brushes! Boom! Adding new presets! Pew! MagicSquire is now 2x-10x faster in key areas, try it out yourself! The panel proudly supports all recent Photoshops: CS5, CS6, CC, C2014, CC2015, CC2017.

– Significantly improved speed when: creating a new brush, loading .abr/.tpl files!
– Memory management improvements
– Compact Mode improvements
– Improvements to the UI
– Improvements to loading of .TPL files

Here goes the video describing all recently added features:

Upgrade MagicSquire

Get MagicSquire, brush set manager for Adobe Photoshop

Tip#58: Assign transparent color to vector shapes in Photoshop and Illustrator

New MagicPicker allows to assign transparency to Fill or Stroke of the currently selected vector shape in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator with one click on the panel!

Assign transparency to vector shapes
Assign transparency to vector shapes

1) Select your shape
2) Hold Ctrl (or ⌘) and then click with mouse or your tablet pen on the appropriate Fill or Stroke swatch on the MagicPicker panel

That’s it! The transparency will be applied immediately.

*In Adobe Photoshop Colorize Shapes and Text mode must me ON. In Illustrator it’s on by default.

MagicPicker is the professional color picking plugin and color wheel for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

MagicPicker updated to v5.1

New version improves Tone Lock, Color Temperature Wheel and K-Lock (that lets keep K value of CMYK on the same level) when working with the Photoshop’s eyedropper. Improves Interactive Help and YUV color space mode. Changing colors of Fill & Stroke of Vector Shapes in Photoshop got better and more straightforward!  

MagicPicker 5.1
MagicPicker 5.1

Detailed list of improvements:
– Improved UI on hi-res displays
– Improved Color Temperature Wheel behavior
– Improved and expanded Interactive Help
– MagicPicker now correctly detects if shape is selected in all possible cases
– Fixed oversized text behavior when changing text color in Photoshop with MagicPicker
– Fixed problems with oversized Tone Lock icon
– Improved K-Lock behavior with eyedropper
– Improved and speeded up animations
– Improves YUV color space mode on calibrated screens
– Speeded up various parts of MagicPicker interface on CC2015/2015.5
– Improved performance on CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3

MagicPicker is the Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop color wheel-based panel

Tip#45: Quickly switch to Color Temperature Wheel mode and back with one click!

If you want to quickly tune color’s temperature while working in the classic color wheel mode – ALT-click on the Triangle/Box/Diamond modes button. The MagicPicker will switch to the Color Temperature Wheel mode and if you ALT-click the button again it will bring you back to the previous state of the color wheel!

Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker
Quickly adjust color temperature with MagicPicker

Works in MagicPicker since version 4.3. Works in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5, CS4 and CS3.

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picker (and other panels for Adobe software).

Tip#44: Tone Lock of the background color in MagicPicker

Did you know you can quickly change hue of the background color in MagicPicker while keeping its perceived brightness (tone)? Just press ALT + SHIFT while clicking and moving the cursor on the color wheel (or just ALT or your pen’s button with Tone Lock On). That lets you keep background color within the same gamut very easily and achieve constant organic coloration across your painting/design/photography/artwork.

Quickly adjust background's hue while keeping its perceived brightness
Quickly adjust background's hue while keeping its perceived brightness

Works with Color Temperature Wheel and on the color pane in H(SB) mode. In Color Temperature Wheel mode it will let you keep background color’s perceived brightness while changing its temperature.

MagicPicker, the advanced color wheel and color picker for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

MagicPicker and new Photoshop CC 2015/Illustrator CC 2015

Today Adobe issued an upgrade to their Creative Cloud. Namely Photoshop and Illustrator have been updated to version CC 2015. And I receive questions whether MagicPicker is compatible with the new platform. MagicPicker 4 was tested and totally works as is with the new Adobe’s products – Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015. In most cases you don’t have to do anything after CC 2015 upgrade.

You don’t need to upgrade or reinstall, just please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Extension Manager CC (you can always install it from Adobe Creative Cloud app).

MagicPicker in Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015
MagicPicker in Photoshop CC 2015 and Illustrator CC 2015

There’s even more to it – some reported that Compact Mode didn’t work in the new CC 2014 software on selected system configurations. Seems there was a conflict that Adobe has resolved in the new versions of Photoshop/Illustrator. So if you still see your Compact Mode grayed out


If you face any issues with MagicPicker disappearing from the Extensions menu in new CC 2015 software – try to reinstall or update Adobe Extension Manager CC and then reinstalling MagicPicker.

Installing MagicPicker 4 with Adobe Extension Manager CC is easy and works the same on both platforms – Mac and PC (Windows):

1) Make sure your have the Adobe Extension Manager CC installed – go to your Adobe Creative Cloud, locate Adobe Extension Manager and click Install or Upgrade
2) Run  Adobe Extension Manager
3) Choose File -> Install Extension
4) Locate MagicPicker4.zxp and follow the installation steps

P.S. MagicPicker is still compatible with Photoshop & Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014.

Download MagicPicker color wheel for Photoshop & Illustrator

Upgrade from older MagicPicker to version 4

Tip#43: Using MagicPicker’s automatic color correction in Illustrator

In Illustrator MagicPicker smartly keeps colors within the chosen color space – for selected shapes. If you work in CMYK in Illustrator:
1) select a shape
2) try to change its color with the MagicPicker so it falls outside CMYK space
3) MagicPicker will correct it immediately so you would get the color that can be reproduced in CMYK

It’s slightly different from how Illustrator handles it. With MagicPicker you will see the result right away.
In recent version of MagicPicker it works with Tone Lock and on the Color Temperature Wheel.

MagicPicker in Photoshop and Illustrator - different approach to color space
MagicPicker in Photoshop and Illustrator - different approach to color space

Download MagicPicker – advanced color picker and color wheel panel/plugin