Tip#119: See HUGE preview of current eyedropper color in Photoshop

Unleash a ⛱ HUGE realtime preview of current #Photoshop color. Simply alt-click on the foreground in MagicPicker and activate Realtime preview in Settings. Then click and move eyedropper across your digital art

Works in Illustrator & Photoshop.

From series of tutorials for MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel for professional artists

Tip#118: Color Wheel modes in MagicPicker 9

The latest version of MagicPicker panel for Photoshop and Illustrator now includes the Munsell Color Wheel mode in addition to Triangle, Box, Diamond, Color Temperature, and LDT Color Cube modes.

Color Wheel Modes of new MagicPicker 9
Color Wheel Modes of new MagicPicker 9

Munsell Color wheel is based on the way that the human eye perceives color, and it is arranged according to three color dimensions: hue, value, and chroma. It’s an industry standard color wheel for easier color matching and finding colors in shades for a given hue.

Works in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

From series of tutorials for MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel

Tip#117: Quickly pick colors on foreground/background gradient slider with MagicPicker

MagicPicker lets you pick colors halfway between foreground and background using F/B slider. Click on the eyedropper on the slider to pick current foreground/background colors into gradient from Photoshop. Then move slider to acquire intermediate colors.

Add/use more sliders in MagicPicker!

Works in Photoshop & Illustrator CC 2023 and below!

From series of tutorials for MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel and HUD

Tip#116: Randomize brush/tool after every stroke in Photoshop

🔶🔹🔴 Auto-Randomize Brush/Tool tip after every click on Document in #Photoshop using MagicSquire.

1) Choose a group to use brushes from
2) Click Randomizer button to activate this mode. When Randomizer is active MagicSquire will pick a new Brush (or Tool) tip from the current group – after every click on Photoshop’s Document.
3*) Through Settings you can activate a mode when you randomize a tool by clicking on the button

From series of tutorials for MagicSquire, advanced Brush Manager/HUD for Adobe Photoshop

Tip#115: Custom Images for Photoshop Brush/Tool Presets in MagicSquire

Here’s how to assign your own 🍕 Custom images to Brush & Tool Presets in MagicSquire 6 for Photoshop

  1. Click the ⬆️ on MagicSquire panel when you’re creating new or editing existing preset.
  2. Select an image.

That’s it! Build a beautiful high-res showcase of your tools. 

MagicSquire is an advanced Brush/Tool Preset Organizer and HUD for Photoshop

Tip#114: Multiple mixing fields in MixColors

🍭 Mix 1,2,4 colors separately using multiple mixing areas of ✴️ MixColors panel:

Click the squared button to toggle mixing areas.

Quickly mix in blacks, whites or fully saturated colors using +/- and get physically accurate results in Photoshop

From series of tutorials for MixColors, the unique physically accurate color mixer in Adobe Photoshop

New MixColors 5 is out, upgrade here

Tip#107: Adjust MagicSquire the way you want

MagicSquire 5 is your ☃️ personal Brush Companion. Customize it the way you want!

Set up separate 🖌 Brush Controls as a quick right-click HUD popup or use as a part of the panel. Combine with PRO Mode.

  • Go to Settings and turn on HUD only controls Brush. After that you can set up keyboard shortcut to display HUD popup under your cursor where only Brush Controls are visible. If you turn it off you can display the whole panel in the HUD popup.

  • Turn on PRO Mode from MagicSquire menu

Now compatible with Photoshop 2022!

From series of tutorials for MagicSquire, advanced Photoshop brushes manager and brush control panel

MagicSquire 5.0 video tutorial: Brush Controls, mass-tagging, more!

The video tutorial on all new features of MagicSquire, Photoshop brush organizer plugin is out!

Upgrade MagicSquire here

Read more about MagicSquire, Photoshop brush organizer plugin


Tip#106: Bring multiple objects to same palette with MagicTints

Select multiple layers
Select multiple layers

Select multiple pixel layers and then click “Apply” on MagicTints panel. That’s it! MagicTints will bring all selected objects to the same palette, from the Color Reference list. All at once.

  • You can choose specific colors or use any image as a target color reference. Works very accurately, transfers colors and contrast immediately.
  • You can also assign Keyboard Shortcut to that operation

Works in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.

Or you can export LUT and use on any photo video in Affinity Photo, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, AfterEffects, Final Cut or even in 3D software like Unity, Blender or Unreal Engine.

MagicTints is also available as a standalone app on macOS or Windows.

From series of tutorials for MagicTints, 1-click accurate color matching

Tip#104: Match elements from different photos 🍭 in one click

1) Bring backdrop into MagicTints as color reference by clicking a Screen Shot 2021-07-20 at 9.00.52 PM down arrow on the toolbar
2) Select another object (image, layer, group of images) and click “Apply”

The elements will precisely color match (keeping contrast etc.) Apply to illustrations, 3D renders, photos. Works in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign plugin.
Also works in a MagicTints Desktop App on macOS and Windows – just use transparent PNGs for objects.

3)* You can use the same technique in video software like AfterEffects, Premiere or Final Cut Pro – by applying LUT exported from MagicTints

From series of tutorials for MagicTints, 1-click precise color matching app